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School Safety

Posted Date: 11/16/2023

School Safety Priority for Lovington Municipal Schools 

Ensuring the safety and security of our students and staff is paramount to our District and is a responsibility we take very seriously. For our students and staff to be successful in education, it is imperative they be provided a safe, secure, and nurturing environment in which to learn and grow. It is with this in mind that our District continues to implement, test, and develop our safety protocols and responses. 

Through our ongoing partnership with local law enforcement agencies, we are able to have a heightened law enforcement presence in and around our school campuses. Our coordinated emergency response protocols mutually shared alert systems, and ongoing communication with our law enforcement partners helps us create a safe and secure learning environment on our campuses.

In order to be prepared in the event of an emergency, our staff and students receive ongoing emergency response training throughout the year – including drills for specific scenarios such as fire, tornadoes, and active shooter training. 

We will continue to have the following in place at each school: 

  • Campus visitors will be limited to essential academic purposes. 

  • All exterior doors will be locked at all times. Interior classroom doors are closed and locked during school hours.

  • Cameras monitor various locations and the main entrance to buildings.

  • On the rare occasion of an actual emergency event, parents will be notified via Parent square messages and postings on the District website.

  • School Safety Language and Procedures are based on the iloveuguys  Sandy Hook Promise protocols and can be reviewed by clicking the links here.  English Safety Language Spanish Safety Language

We thank you for partnering with us to create safe learning environments. Please remember to immediately contact the police or school personnel if you see or hear anything that raises a concern or could affect the safety of our campuses. We believe safety and success are dependent on our partnership with you and that together we can create environments focused on creating champion Wildcats!